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Discussing development and sustainability issues

Monash CDES Blog
Jan 23, 20245 min read
Understanding the Disconnect between Experienced and Reported Abuse in India
Despite India implementing a series of stringent rights-based measures since 1961, starting with the Dowry Prohibition Act and followed...

Monash CDES Blog
Dec 3, 20233 min read
What have the Frontier Wars got to do with the Referendum and the Voice?
Everything is the short answer. Why or how one may ask. In attempting an answer to this question, I have nothing original to offer, but...

Monash CDES Blog
Nov 4, 20233 min read
Beyond the Village Sky: Expanding Children’s Worlds Through Education
“When I was a little kid, less than eight years old, my universe was limited to the earth and sky of my village. While I did start going...
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